$00a|1-Film Reviews part 2 $000 by Kei/Carnage $00a -+- -+- $200 Title : Filofax Rating: 9/10 Another of my favourite films. The soundtrack is "Taking Care Of Business" which is also the title it was released under in the states. Didn't make sense over here though so released under the name "Filofax". James Belushi plays a convict who escapes from prison to see a world series game. He discovers a filofax at an airport phone point and uses it to find the owners home in order to get a finders fee. However through some bizarre events they keep missing each other and he inadvertantly takes over the identy of the other guy. Very funny comedy that explores how a working class guy would live if he was suddenly given the identity of a businessman with a large house, fast car and access to a lot of cute women! I liked the scene with the walk-in wardrobe and the watch stand where he goes "eeny meeny miney mo.." in order to choose a 5000 dollar watch to wear to lunch. $00a -+- -+- $200 Title : Fresh Rating: 5/10 Not your typical gangsta movie this. A young kid wants out of his violent neighbourhood where all his friends are dying at a young age. Brought up on chess by his dad every day, Fresh uses his skills to play his 2 enemies off each other so they start getting paranoid and start killing each other. Amazingly done with enough style to get you rooting for the kid until the point where he hangs and shoots his dog. Get's really violent but the kid get's what he wants. This is one kid you shouldn't piss off! $00a -+- -+- $200 Title : The Fugitive Rating: 7/10 Another chase movie. Imagine you were sent down for a crime you didn't commit and you got a chance of freedom to prove yourself but you had to use everything you knew to stay one step ahead of the law in order to complete your mission. This is basically the fugitive. Based on the 60's TV series of the same name, it's a very intriguing movie that is worth watching. $00a -+- -+- $200 Title : Groundhog Day Rating: 8/10 You are stuck in the same day with the same things happening over and over again other than those you alter yourself. Whatever you do doesn't matter because by tomorrow only you will know they happened so have some fun and throw your morals out of the window, screw all the women that are in the town etc.. Bill Murray gets sick of it though and gets into a process of getting up and then commiting suicide untill he realizes that he has to do good to get out of this infinitive loop. Very funny comedy! Favourite scene is where he steals the groundhog and takes it for a driving lesson! $00a -+- -+- $200 Title : Hackers Rating: 8/10 Depending on who you ask (hacker/non-hacker) you will get mixed reviews on this film. It gets reviewed to death on the hacker mailing lists I'm on (as did Sneakers). Don't take everything in this film seriously if you are a hacker wannabe but it is good for what it is and I'd recommend you to watch it. $00a -+- -+- $200 Title : Happy Gilmore Rating: 8/10 Happy Gilmore is a crap ice hockey player but that's all he's ever wanted to be. Apart from a great hook shot and ability to batter anyone who slightly pisses him off, he's not good at much else. He lives with his grandma and the house is reposesed. He has to get the money asap when he actually gets into golf and realises that he can make money at it. This is another slapstick comedy that has the ability to make you piss yourself laughing! $00a -+- -+- $200 Title : Heathers Rating: 6/10 A classic film starring Christian Slater as a psycho kid who changes schools so often he doesn't have time to make friends. He falls for Vironica who has 3 friends call Heather. This is one twisted plot that basically involves Slater using Veronica to kill the heathers and then the whole school by making them look like suicides. Best scene is where 2 jocks harass him in the school cafeteria and he pulls out a 357 magnum and points it in their face! Did you ever want to do this to school bullies? $00a -+- -+- $200 Title : I Love Trouble Rating: 6/10 Two reporters compete on a story until they reluctantly join forces to uncover the truth. Action/Comedy spread over several USA states. Haven't seen it for ages but I'd er.. recommend it! ;) $00a -+- -+- $200 Title : Judge Dredd Rating: 7/10 Crap acting by Stallone. Dredd never takes his helmet off and he does in the first few minutes! However the sets and computer generated city scapes along with the ABC warrior cyborg more than make up for it! Diane Lane has never looked so tasty than in this movie! I want my own ABC warrior! $00a -+- -+- $200 Title : Judgement Night Rating: 7/10 Several friends are caught stranded in the Bronx after they hit a guy with their RV and stop to help thus ending up witnessing his excution once the holsten pills drinking Dennis Leary catches up with him. Yes, another action/chase movie but it's pretty good as the friends personalities have to over come their differences in order to join together and come up with an escape plan. $00a -+- -+- $200 Title : The Kid Rating: 8/10 Straight after finishing "The Hitcher" C.Thomas Howell made this film some years ago starring the lovely Sara Trigger. Howell witnessed his families execution when a mere lad. Now a teenager he's back for revenge as the mysterious stranger that takes no shit. $00a -+- -+- $200 Title : The Last Boy Scout Rating: 7/10 Taking a break from the Die Hard movies, Bruce Willis made this film where it feels just like another Die Hard film! Willis is a PI who is hired to protect an exotic dancer. He fails and he teams up with her boyfriend to find out who killed her and why. If you've seen Die Hard III then you know what to expect. $00a -+- -+- $200 Title : Mallrats Rating: 8/10 Two friends who hang out at the mall to kill time both get dumped by their girlfriends and take refuge at the mall. Designed as a sequal to "Clerks", Mallrats is a very adult comedy that will appeal to all you guys out there that head to your local stores to read comics and play test arcade games. Favourite scene of mine is where one guy says to his mate "I think my girlfriend dumped me coz I farted and she was going down on me at the time". For all those people who guessed the Word adult password, I'd recommend watching this! ;) $00a -+- -+- $200 Title : The Net Rating: 8/10 Miss Bullock is a software tester/debugger that works from home. She gets envolved in a conspiracy whereby the conspirators want the disk she has and erase her identity in the process. Designed to test the theory, "are we nothing but an identity stored on a computer?" this film shows a possible series of events if that identity were erased. Miss Bullocks use of an Apple MAC to emulate a fireplace was quite amusing! $00a -+- -+- $200 Title : One Wild Night Rating: 7/10 Sex godesss Jeniffer Connely falls asleep in a supermarket store where a night cleaner is working.. sort of. He lives in a world of his own in side the store and abuses the stores contents in an amusing way. Two criminals try to rob the store and are hindered by the couple. Very funny comedy. The guys bunny slippers are way cool and I want a pair! $00a -+- -+- $200 Title : $hopping Rating: 5/10 Addresses the issue of joy riding and runs with it from the point of view of teenagers on a housing estate. Don't enjoy this too much though as the producers figured they'd better introduce a moral point to all this, hence the ending. $00a -+- -+- $200 Title : Short Time Rating: 7/10 Due to a mix up of samples at a clinic, a cop thinks he only has a few days to live. He realises that he has not provided well for his family and unless he is killed in the line of duty, they won't be left anything. So he sets out to get himself killed by taking on the worst and most dangerous cases. However, being a comedy, he comes out as a living hero with loads of medals. $00a -+- -+- $200 Title : The Specialist Rating: 9/10 I liked this film because of the use of phones and computers. I even went as far as to trace the palmtop he uses (Sharp Wizard) and it's equivalent in the UK. Stallone plays an ex-CIA explosives specialist who is hired to take out a mafia crime family because they killed the parents of his client (Sharon Stone). Using the latest computer technology and anti-phone tracing techniques he avoids detection by the families apointed security expert and ex-partner of Stallone's (James Woods). You have to be into technology and perfection with very low morals to enjoy this film. $00a -+- -+- $200 Title : Strange Days Rating: 6/10 Based on the eve of the year 2000 a new craze which involves sampling peoples memories direct from their cerebral cortex onto disc is the current fad. The main character is a dealer in this illegal activity providing you with pleasurable memories or horific (snuff memories where the original person being recorded dies). He starts receiving clips from a serial killer as he kills his victims and he has to work out who is sending them before he kills his girlfriend. The film although based a few years from now in the states uses some cyberpunk styles to get it's point across such as a female bodyguard for hire (Molly?). $00a -+- -+- $200 Title : Tommy Boy Rating: 7/10 Tommy has to go on a road trip to generate sales of his fathers products or the company he will inherit will go under. Teamed up with his fathers assistant, the pair have a hilarious time on the road while trying to complete their task. This will have you pissing your pants with the simplisity of the jokes! $00a -+- -+- $200 Title : Under Seige 2 Rating: 7/10 I didn't think much of the first episode but then Erika Elinak was in it so that must tell you something! The ex-navy seal, now cook is back and instead of a boat, he's on a train this time. He's heading to his brothers funeral with his (extremely cute) niece in tow when low and behold, the train gets taken over by terrorists who use it as a mobile base for their telecommunications equipment which they use to take control of a government satellite that causes mam made earthquakes in anything. So it's a weapon basically. While watching this film I was reminded of the fact that the reason CD's only hold 650MBs of data is because when Philips had the task of creating it, they looked in their audio collection for the longest musical piece (Mosart I believe) which was 74mins 33secs so they created a formatting procedure which is based on this so we could of had more space on a CD if they had a longer musical piece! Bummer eh.. I tell you, the trivia you can learn on a degree course and by watching films in unbelieveable. $00a -+- -+- $200 Title : V.I.Warshawski Rating: 8/10 I'm a fan of Sara Paretsky's private eye, V.I.Warshaski and when I heard they had made a film based on the series of books I figured I'd have to see it. The film however is made from her first 3 books and the facts are all messed up and out of order (in the books Boom Boom was her cousin not her lover like in the film!). However the film wasn't bad but even now when I read her latest releases, Kathleen Turner is not the image I conjure up but the woman on the book covers who looks a lot better. It's worth watching if you are into PI films like me anyway. $00a -+- -+- $200 Title : Waterworld Rating: 9/10 Mad Max on water. I was very impressed by this film as I had been following it's progress over the production period in the papers. Mr.Costner even bankrolled it himself at one point when funding starting to run out. If you've seen Mad Max then imagine Max on water, replace the car with a customised boat and you are nearly there. Packed with loads of action and chase scenes this is a pretty good movie. $00a -+- -+- $200 Enjoy your film viewing.. end